Sample Correspondence for use by KPC's

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The Honorable Legislator’s First & Last Name
The Florida House of Representatives/Florida Senate
Room _______ House/Senate Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399 
Re: HB/SB ______ - Subject

Dear Representative/Senator Legislator’s Last Name:

On Day of week, Month date, year, bill number, sponsored by Representative/Senator Legislators name, will be heard in Committee Name committee meeting at time a.m. in Location/Room number. If possible, give a history of where the bill has been, (i.e., "the bill passed the House Appropriations Committee on April 1, 1999"). I would appreciate your review and urge your support/opposition of House Bill _____.

Give a description of what the bill does and any history as to why you are interested in this bill.

List your intentions and your arguments for or against the legislation with reasons why it is good or bad for you…… The intent of this change to -- cite the laws the bill would change F.S. would enable individuals and businesses …

Enclosed you will find a copy of the bill (also include any pertinent information in support/opposition of the bill). I would be happy to personally discuss the bill with you at your convenience. Please contact me at your phone number if you have any questions.

Enclosures (2) 

Your Name 
Firm name