Advocacy at Work

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The Governmental Affairs Department has created this page to keep FICPA members better informed about the Institute's advocacy efforts. On this page members can find legislative resources, find CPAs with contacts to the Florida Legislature, as well as, learn about legislative chapter visits.

Legislative Resources


In this area of the website, you will find Legislative Updates including Policies, Reform information, election information, Call to Action Notices and more. You'll also find the Legislative Tax Guide. See all the legislative resources here.

Key Person Contact


The Key Person Contact (KPC) Program began several years ago to identify CPAs with contacts in the Florida Legislature. The FICPA uses these KPCs as an information network, both transmitting information to legislators and reporting information about proposed or pending state legislation to the FICPA. Read more about the KPC Program here.

Legislative Chapter Visits


Legislative Chapter visits are a grassroots effort to encourage chapters to become involved with FICPA’s governmental affairs programs. Chapter officers are asked to consider scheduling a legislative visit each fiscal year. See more about legislative chapter visits here.