KPC Duties

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The Key Person Contact (KPC) is a very important ingredient in the successful development of the legislative program of the FICPA. Here are a few important things to keep in mind.

  • Know your legislator. Keep up to speed on their district and capitol addresses and phone numbers, legislative staff, etc.
  • The main duty of a Key Person Contact is to maintain regular contact with specific legislators whom he/she knows on a personal basis. These relationships will facilitate better communication between the FICPA and state legislators.
  • Activities of note by a KPC should be reported to the FICPA Governmental Affairs Department using the response forms or written/e-mail correspondence. Any ideas for, or comments on legislative activities are greatly appreciated.
  • Let the legislator(s) know that you are available to assist them in any way on accounting issues of interest to them.
  • Attempt to keep current on state legislative issues. Having knowledge of proposed or pending legislative issues concerning the accounting profession will aid in keeping the legislator(s) abreast of the FICPA's position.
  • Be prepared to respond to our Call to Action program. You may receive an urgent facsimile, phone call or letter requesting that you contact your legislator immediately and request their assistance. This program has been a key part of our success in recent years with legislative issues. Your legislators want to hear from you!
  • Any change in your status (including address) or regarding legislators for whom you are listed as a contact, should also be reported as soon as possible to the Governmental Affairs department at or phone (850) 224-2727, ext. 202.