Rent the FICPA Membership List

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To rent the FICPA membership list, you must agree to the terms and conditions contained in the Mailing List Rental Agreement.

$175 first 1,000 names; $125 for each subsequent 1,000 names; 500 names or less is subject to an overriding minimum of $135.00. If the number of names does not total up to the increment of 1,000, the price will be established based on rounding up to the next increment of 1,000. You will not be charged extra if you decide to break the list down in more than one category of membership. Note: full membership list (without any sorts except zip code) is $100 per 1,000 names.

Discounts: 20% for current FICPA members; 10% for FICPA Advertisers/exhibitors (within the last 12 months).

Florida sales tax and discretionary surtaxes apply.

Peel and stick labels.

How Often
Each member/exhibitor/advertiser is allowed to rent the same set of names twice in one calendar year.

Rental Procedures

  1. Fill out the rental agreement and mail or fax it to the FICPA with a sample of the intended mailing piece. The FICPA cannot help you without the completed Mailing List Rental Agreement and sample.

  2. Once the sample is approved, we will run accurate counts of the members who allow solicitation in the areas you are interested in targeting.

  3. You will be billed for the names and once the FICPA is in receipt of payment, you will receive the labels via First Class US Mail or United Parcel Service. Labels can be shipped overnight at an additional expense. All purchases must include applicable sales tax.

Please allow at least 10 days for the process to be completed.