Florida Department of Revenue Grants Relief

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This morning, Florida Department of Revenue Executive Director Jim Zingale signed Emergency Order No. 19-002, extending the September 3rd due date for CIT Additional Information until October 27, 2019. 

The Emergency Order: https://floridarevenue.com/emdisaster/Pages/EmergencyDisaster.aspx 

Additional information can be found on the Departments website and an email with a revised TIP will be mailed out to taxpayers today. Information will also be posted on  GTA homepages, and the same language has been added to the Submit Corporate Tax Information webpage. 

The FICPA appreciates the Department’s efforts to provide additional relief during this challenging time for many of our members. We will continue to update you with any additional information pertaining to the September 3 reporting deadline. 

As always, you can contact our Governmental Affairs team at govaffairs@ficpa.org.